Stuck At Home?? (Quarantined)

Ever since the outbreak of COVID- 19, news has been rampant. There has been this palpable angst that hangs in the air, all the talk on the news, our homes and in public spaces seem to be revolving around the – “Corona Virus” and as we are still trying to understand the effects and reasons of the imposed lock-down, as humans this is our state then just imagine the fear and terror the stray animals face everyday. I have read articles of people abandoning their pets in fear of being the victim of this virus. It often gets me thinking that in spite of being the so called – “Erudite” breed that we project, such behavior is the ultimate in “idiocy”. (Pun very much intended) ?..

After reading the letter from – ” Animal Welfare Board Of India” where it has been scientifically proven that animals cannot spread #covid-19. Therefore kindly put in your efforts as a feeder to strays and any animal you might see or hear of who is in distress. I sincerely plead to all responsible citizens, instead of having a knee jerk reaction to the crisis we are facing lets do our duty of showing compassion to the innocent, voiceless fury faced companions who find themselves in this predicament for no fault of theirs.


Well.. Well .. Well – Ever since this “Forced Isolation” has been imposed we have ample of time in hand to throw caution to the wind and indulge ourselves into so many things that we’ve been longing and dreaming off (Especially at work or during meetings ?.. Lets make good use of this Self – Isolation, grab your self a drink or chill over a freshly brewed cup of coffee (works well with me most of the time….) to take the edge off the despair that’s surrounding each one of us in the ongoing situation, DO NOT compound the grief, instead – Disconnect yourself from the negative mindset and shift ones focus from the ongoing hazy filter to the positive part of this lock-down.

Self – Quarantine To – Do List :-

  • Great time to work on your inner hustle.
  • Binge watch Netflix / Amazon Prime (Current Trend)
  • Start that book that you bought many moons ago.
  • Pick up some indoor hobbies to cooking and keeping your immunity high.
  • Make best use of this isolation to tap into your inner artistry!! and also this is the best time to get those endorphins rolling in ?.
  • As a family try to piece together a puzzle to get those brain muscles working and keep you engaged.

And of course maintaining personal hygiene is the most imperative key in curtailing this virus and thus to understand that social isolation is the biggest favor that you can do to yourself as well as to those around you in this moment of crisis instead of committing the fallacy of assuming the ongoing buzz is a mere hoax..


This is the best time to introspect and be mindful of whats happening. I rue the day when normalcy will again be just about meeting deadlines or target pressures. Kindness, Empathy and understanding is the need of the hour not xenophobia or racism.

In view of the epidemic spread of the #Covid19 throughout the globe, I’m overwhelmed to see people come together with a joint determination to be caring and helpful. It’s phenomenal to see people risking their lives to endure the rest of us can meet our everyday needs. I salute all the medical personnel, police,armed forces etc for being out there on the front line to help.

Lastly, to all the iridescent and beautiful peeps out there all I want to say is that – (“Be informed Not Ignorant”).

While I enjoy my time watching – “Each day depart dressed in finery to the other half who eagerly awaits a new dawn” #My Self Isolation Motto.

P.S – Stay safe and stay healthy. Hopefully, we will break this Corona-virus curve soon.

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10 thoughts on “Stuck At Home?? (Quarantined)

  1. Rightly said trish, while the whole world is concerned animals are left to starve, cant see any dogs around too.. nicely penned down.. some food for thought for today… keep writing keep shining.. keep influencing

  2. Awesome blog ??….loved your thought process & concern for everyone .
    Keep up the good work ??????

  3. I wish I could write like you…Your writing inspires me…keep up the good work..keep writing keep inspiring..

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