Valentine’s Day!!


Roses are Red and Violets are Blue.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner.

Let’s make one another feel special

In everything we do …


“The Prix Fix” – Well, it happens every February 14th .

The balloons on the table, the half-wilted short-stemmed roses sadly peeking over coffee cups. Ostensibly, it’s time to give all this a rest.

Instead of having some bloaty meal— which does very little in the romance department anyway ? — why not, take a chance and plan something else.

It’s that time of the year, that we are bombed with all sorts of commercial pressure to go out and spend a Fortune to show the true merit of our love, rather than just focusing on what fancy gift’s you can give your loved one, or how elaborately you can celebrate the day, why not focus on the artistic ways instead.

Right from Chocolate to Jewelry and Romantic Dinners, who doesn’t enjoy a nice Valentine’s Day gift?

So why not get the “Love wheel Spinning” with a twist of a Personal Touch 😉



So, this Valentine’s Day make a vow to yourself to do something really different. As a couple decide to take time off and do things of each other’s likes and interests.

To many Valentine’s Day is, theoretical – It’s more about the guy courting the girl, bringing her Roses and Chocolates and spending far too much money on a Romantic Meal…



Love!! is NOT a highly commercialized circus, the way it’s presented to us on every Valentine’s Day… This Concept doesn’t really stir up to my idea of Valentine’s Day… It is much deeper and much more profound than, sending someone a dozen roses at immensely extravagant prices.

I’d rather have it this way: “Cute flirty notes, Voila – Wonderful Memories made.





Well, talking about Love in today’s world of Dating – Where kids break up over a text message, pronounce their love on Facebook and Tweet their indiscretions to the world, Valentine’s day AND Love has lost its true essence…

You will come across hell lot of quotes like – Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud… I wish people had communicated that – Love isn’t Perfect either… Love is something that must flow from one’s heart not Clinched at gunpoint – But at the same time it also needs space to grow, rather making it a prisoner of Marriage.

Love is like a Flame – Once lit, you really need a life long pledge to keep it going ?

In a world that’s trending with # Tags, where people unleash a lot on Instagram about themselves with captions that hits an Unreal Falsetto along the lines of # Love Life Rocks or # Couple Goals …  To me all these Obvious Social Media Avowals are a total Red Flag …

I strongly feel that – Unsaid Love is far more intense than a Practiced Affair… I really love this enigma – No terms of Flattery, No Schema, No Limitations, No Attention Seeking Cinema – I’d rather be coddled in the most cutest and yet flirtatious ways, Coz all these little things are way more precious than any high rated materialistic things off the shelf…

Well, this is precisely how love should be, sprinkled with a personal touch…


It amazes me to see so many people Whizzing & Zipping around, to prove their true love for that “Special” Person in their life. Have you ever wondered, what happens when the Roses have died and the chocolates have all been Gobbled up?

I’m pretty sure none of us are concerned, we just wanna be Pampered…

Time is ticking, World is changing and so is the illustration of LOVE…

Back then – There used to be a lot of Flimflam about Love at First Sight Blah Blah Blah… Speaking about the latest trend, even Fairy-tale movies no longer Romanticize the idea of Love at First Sight.

Having said this, even for me Movies where Two people fall in love: – No conversations needed are simply Clichés at best and laughable at worst ?

Love is way beyond Good Looks and Catchy Tunes to gel well together.

Gone are the days where Women Swooned over Men, rather women now would save themselves instead ? – He wants to be Gallant Great!!!

But plz don’t assume that being Gallantry comes with any Twines Attached LOL…

Love in fact is hidden in myriad forms…



It’s about penning small unexpected notes to express ones feelings, taking turns paying the bills, Accepting and talking about each other’s differences, understanding that not all men are born with hefty bank accounts, helping with household chores without thinking you’re doing your wife a favor.

Valentine’s Day , is to celebrate Love and it is an occasion for one to truly reconnect with the factual denotation of this day.

Love was and will always be the most pleasing feeling in our lives. It is what makes us human, it is what makes our life worth living as it’s often the tiniest things that leaves the hugest impact.

Nothing else truly matters. Trust me, the size of our homes, bank balance, the beauty of our partner, the speed of our car- all those things pale into triviality when we embrace the grandeur of the love of our life and what it is that, makes us crazily in love with one another

Each day is a Valentine’s Day, if your deeply in love with the person you’re with. We as a couple have never really been the ones to celebrate occasions, as we’ve always tried to make every day special in some way or the other.



I, hands down agree with this: When you stock all your effort into making one perfect day just to ensure your loved one feels loved, it’s always a big big letdown.

You don’t really need a day in particular to express your love, Since it’s the most romantic day of the year – Lets get Creative instead of  crazy expensive Valentine’s Day dinner, This year lets do little things that would make your better half all Awwwwwed by embracing candy hearts and Cupids and striking out the most unique and romantic ways to celebrate your Love this Valentine’s.

Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating the moment and there’s no better way to reflect on, what makes you so happy as a couple. A great way to celebrate your relationship by looking through old pictures and raise a toast to many more wonderful years ahead..

Cheerz!!! Have a Whimsical Valentine’s Day …


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