Happiness is a Choice – Grab It ..

Happiness – Doesn’t evolve over night, you gotta create it Darling!!.

Some days are Bad while some days are immensely good and thats pretty much how Life is : like a Sea Saw If you’re popped up Gravity will certainly pull you down..

The Key to Happiness is to Create It and trust me it’s not at all an easy choice, but if you’re adamant in seeing the good in every situation no matter how grim things may seem you will scrape through it gracefully..

There will be times when grief strikes or when things don’t really seem going you’re way and all you end up doing is Sulk yourself and perpetuate the sadness – This is our instantaneous and expected reaction.

I am a strong believer of the fact that – Happiness is purely in our hands and only we can make our-self happy no one else can..

We gotta Learn to Unlearn a lot of things that have been engraved in us and flip the coin that leads to Happiness..


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