Another Guy !!

I wasn’t at all supposed to Love You;
Dammit!! You’re just a Friend
So, why do I keep getting these Feelings??
I want this Nonsense to End..

You, too look at me in a Different Way
and I know this, for a Fact..
Don’t really know, what to do ??
as, these Stupid Feelings Keep coming back??

They simply refuse, to Go Away
No matter, how Hard I Try
I wish, I could simply Tell You

Gosh!! I just can’t believe
I’ve actually fallen for Another Guy..

Now, that I am stuck, with this Pointless Crush
And trust me, this is so Damn Unfair
All I want my feelings, to vanish in the Air…

No one knows, what I feel for you
and I, prefer to keep it this way;
Coz I feel if you ever get to know,

You would simply –
Turn and walk away …

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