I have been at odds with “The foremost Chronicle” of Sexual Ethics over the past years, especially in regards with children’s sexual self-determination and paedophilia. My intention, here is to present a critique of resistance.
I wish I could say it’s Sanguinity that keeps me going, but the alarmed brutality of “Abuse” which is blatantly becoming more perilous and destructive.
A person sexually attracted to children! Statistics states that, 1 in 15 BOYS is a victim of a child sexual abuse? The 3 most important words you can say to your child who discloses child sexual abuse to you:-
I BELIEVE YOU! ❤ Wake up!!!
? BOYS too are a victim of molestation!!?
Empower your kids to stand up for themselves??
Make up a CODE WORD for your child’s safety ? STOP child sexual abuse today!! ❌ Protect your BOYS ?more than your GIRLS!? #justice to all victims ? #lets stand together??? Peace and Harmony to all??